The science is in about tillage. Tilling has been proven to destroy soil biology. This also opens plants up for infection and pests creating dependencies on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Being bio-intensive we have the opportunity to build soil and soil fertility by not tilling. When we remove tilling from the equation we are able to preserve the fungal life in the soil. As plants exchange carbon for nutrients from the fungi in the soil, much of this carbon is locked up in the soil microbes. This is a form of plant carbon sequestering. Since Co2 in the atmosphere is such a growing problem we feel not tilling our carbon sinking fungi is the best thing to do.
Smell away to your heart's content. Our flowers are safe to handle and are safe for wildlife to. Little Bee Blooms are so friendly to wildlife we find bees sleeping in our flowers all the time! With bee populations in rapid decline, we felt it important to ensure our farm is bee friendly. The bees on our farm flourish with all the diverse flower pollen helping their fragile little immune systems. The bees are one example of many organisms that are increasing the biodiversity on our farm. This is a main farming principal of ours. A farm should be always increasing biodiversity not destroying it.
Our approach to farming is to concentrate on the soil. Using the soil biology to our advantage we can boost the limits of what's possible on our farm. This is achieved through heavy applications of compost and using specialty compost teas and extracts as well as other organic amendments. This approach helps us to greatly lower weed pressure and boost crop yield at the same time.
Our bio-intensive practices means we use no insecticides, fungicides or herbicides, producing virtually no chemical run off into the environment and healthy clean plants for everyone to handle.